
5.0 还行

分类:美国  西班牙  2009 

主演:荣·冈萨雷斯 安娜·德·阿玛斯 马丁尼奥·里瓦斯 

导演:Jesús Rodrigo 



2009年上映,Jesús Rodrigo执导,由荣·冈萨雷斯,安娜·德·阿玛斯,马丁尼奥·里瓦斯等主演的寄宿学校疑云第六季在西班牙发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,寄宿学校疑云第六季手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《寄宿学校疑云第六季》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。
El Internado (Spanish, 'The Boarding School') is a Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a forest, where teenagers are sent by their parents to study. The boarding school is situated in a forest far from the city, on the outskirts on which macabre events occur. The series debut on 24 May 2007, and is a production of Antena ...

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